If you're wondering WHAT campaign, I'm running as a Green Party candidate in the Nov 7 Saskatchewan elections. See my reasons for running in the Oct 17 posting: Saskatchewan Election, or go to my profile on the Green Party Sask site.
If you're wondering WHETHER to support my campaign, see the links mentioned above, as well as the other postings on this blog. You're also welcome to contact me using the contact information posted on my profile page.
If you're wondering HOW to support my campaign, read on!
If you'd like to be on my supporters list, please email me, or join the Facebook group Vote Robert Cosbey! Supporters may receive news updates and occasional calls for help.
If you'd like to join the Green Party of Saskatchewan, please go to our web site. Or, if you don't want to join, but want to be on the Party supporters list, email me.
Help me print brochures, buy ads, put up signs, and other stuff that takes money!
Tax breaks: If you're a resident of Saskatchewan, you'll get substantial tax credits: 75% of donations from $25 to $400, somewhat less on larger donations, as described on the Elections Saskatchewan site (scroll down to "Tax Receipts"). If you're out of province, unfortunately, you probably won't get any tax break for donating to a Sask political party.
How to donate: Cheques are good. Make payable to "Regina Lakeview Campaign - Green Party Sask", or "Regina Lakeview Campaign - GPS". Send or deliver to me at 290 Angus Crescent, Regina, SK S4T 6N4, or to my business manager, Donna Nelson, 1114 Courtney St, Regina, SK S4T 7R8. Cash works too, in person. Or, you can email funds to me using PayPal ("send money" to rcosbey@gmail.com) or HyperWallet ("beam cash" to rcosbey@gmail.com).
Receipts: If all your donations to the Green Party of Saskatchewan, including donations to my campaign, total $25 this year, you will receive an official tax receipt after year-end. If you pay by cheque, your cancelled cheque will serve as a temporary receipt. If you give a cash donation of $25 or more, Donna will issue you a temporary receipt. For PayPal or HyperWallet donations, online transaction records will serve as a temporary receipt, or you can request a temporary receipt.
Any questions? Please contact me.
Please email me or phone me at (306) 533-1901 if you can help out with any of the following:
Distributing Signs to people who request them.
Distributing Brochures door-to-door throughout the Constituency.
Knocking on Doors - if you're familiar with Green Party policy and have aptitude or experience in canvassing.
Contacting Known Supporters about helping us through donations of time or money, or displaying our signs.
Finding More Supporters among your friends and internet contacts.
Maintaining Lists of supporters, signs placed, donations received, etc. using shared electronic documents.
Promoting Media Coverage in any way.
Enhancing Internet Presence by improving search engine visibility and creating postings and links, e.g. on facebook, wikipedia, bulletin boards, etc.
Providing General Office Help such as folding brochures, stuffing envelopes, etc.
Lining Up Speaking Opportunities
Assisting with Campaign Management by helping to suggest directions and priorities, and helping to coordinate all of the above.
Let's work together to build a greener tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
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