Saturday, January 12, 2008

Canada Carbon Tax - VTACC Appeal

Voters Taking Action on Climate Change (VTACC) sent out another email today, calling for action. This is essentially the same information as my last post, (Canada - Campaign for NRTEE Carbon Tax). I suggest you read the VTACC version first, and only go to Canada - Campaign for NRTEE Carbon Tax if you want more background or detail.

From: VTACC <>
Date: 12 January 2008
Subject: We have an opportunity

Hi all,

We need five minutes of your time, and a letter is attached.

Here is the good news:

The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy has pushed the idea of a carbon tax onto the national stage. The NRTEE states that this is the only realistic way that Canada can reach the government's current goal of a 65% reduction below 2003 levels by 2050.

Without a price on carbon emissions, the National Round Table states that Canada will be unlikely to meet even these goals.

But here is the bad news:

The very next morning the Conservative goverment attempted to silence this recommendation by rejecting this idea entirely. So far, this has worked. They must be congratulating themselves at how easily Canadians can be silenced!

And here is what we are doing about it:

Let's not accept the current federal greenhouse gas plan for non-action, and their flat refusal to consider putting a price on carbon emissions.

If you haven't yet, please take five minutes and express what they need to hear from Canadians.

We have a minority government in Ottawa, and a federal election looming. We may never have a better time to push for real action.

This is not about partisan politics; all parties need to hear that Canadians want real action on carbon emissions.

Together, we can pull this back onto the national stage. But we need your help.

And in case you are tongue-tied, attached below is a template of a possible letter:

Here are the addresses. Write one letter, and cc a copy of it to the others!

You can find your own MP at

Should John Baird be congratulating himself? You decide.

Please take the five minutes right now, and send us a copy!

Thank you all for taking action,
Voters Taking Action on Climate Change

John Baird, M.P.
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

January 8, 2008
Your name and address here

Dear Mr. Baird,
I am very disappointed in how quickly you rejected the notion of a Carbon Tax – as recently recommended by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy.

To react so quickly appears to show an unwillingness to consider the knowledge and research of others. Given the brief time you have been entrusted with the responsibility of Environment Minister one would hope for more deliberation.

Please reconsider your position, and I would encourage you to more openly discuss this important idea with Canadians.

Like so many others, I strongly support putting a price on carbon emissions as a key means for Canada is to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. It is clear that the atmosphere can no longer be used as a free dumping ground by individuals or corporations.


cc: Prime Minister Stephen Harper
cc: Stephane Dion, Lead of the Opposition
cc: David McGuinty, Liberal Environment critic
cc: Jack Layton, Leader of the NDP
cc: Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party

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