Folks, we saw a big win for democracy and for climate sanity in Bali last month, thanks to all of you, and to coordinators of the mass outcry - especially (See my 21Dec post for background on this.)
Now we have an even bigger job ahead of us: keeping our "leaders" on the path!
Right now, Canadians need a massive demonstration of popular support for the recent report from the National Round Table on Environment and Economy (NRTEE), and in particular for the NRTEE recommendation for a carbon tax.
Read on! Take action, as suggested below. Tell all your friends! We need a massive show of public support for carbon pricing!
The NRTEE is an independent advisory panel commissioned over a year ago by the federal government to study ways Canada can make major, long-term cuts to the country's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It issued its report on 07 Jan 2008.
The report concludes that the only way to make truly deep cuts in GHG emissions is to start charging for carbon emissions as soon as possible. Once a price is established, the panel recommends that Canada adopt a carbon tax and/or a cap-and-trade system based on that price.
Adopting the NRTEE recommendations will not ensure an level of pricing consistent with a 2-degree cap on global warming. However, the main thing at present is to get carbon pricing implemented. Further action can be launched afterwards if needed - as it almost certainly will be!
Here are some places to go for more background:
CBC coverage, 07Jan
Canadian Press coverage, 07Jan
David Suzuki Foundation statement
Green Party of Canada statement
Voters Taking Action on Climate Change - BC Carbon Tax Campaign
(VTACC has begun a national email campaign based on the NRTEE report, but has not yet posted that information on their web site at the time of this writing.)
CBC backgrounder on carbon tax, June 2006
CBC backgrounder on carbon trading, November 2006
National Round Table web site
Take Action:
Email your democratic representatives at the federal level, regardless of party. Phone them if you prefer. Or do both. Tell them you support the NRTEE recommendations, particularly as regards putting a price on carbon emissions. Ask them where they stand.
Who to contact:
Your MP
The Prime Minister The Right Honourable Stephen Harper ( or
Minister of the Environment The Honourable John Baird (
Minister of Finance The Honourable Jim Flaherty (
Leader of the Opposition The Honourable Stéphane Dion (
Leader of the New Democratic Party The Honourable Jack Layton (
Leader of the Green Party of Canada Elizabeth May (
As a time-saver, you can send a single email addressed to your MP or the Prime Minister, or the Environment Minister, and cc as many others as you choose. Add your MP to the following list, and copy/paste as appropriate:,,,,,
What to say:
Here's a suggested email, the body of the message courtesy of
Subject: Support for NRTEE Carbon Tax Recommendation
The Honourable John Baird, P.C., M.P., Minister of the Environment
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
<current date>, 2008
<Your name and address here>
Dear Minister,
I am very disappointed in how quickly you rejected the notion of a Carbon Tax – as recently recommended by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy.
To react so quickly appears to show an unwillingness to consider the knowledge and research of others. Given the brief time you have been entrusted with the responsibility of Environment Minister one would hope for more deliberation.
Please reconsider your position, and I would encourage you to more openly discuss this important idea with Canadians.
Like so many others, I strongly support putting a price on carbon emissions as a key means for Canada is to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. It is clear that the atmosphere can no longer be used as a free dumping ground by individuals or corporations.
<your name>
cc: The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada
cc: The Honourable Jim Flaherty, P.C., M.P., Minister of Finance
cc: The Honourable Stéphane Dion, P.C., M.P., Leader of the Opposition
cc: The Honourable Jack Layton, P.C., M.P., Leader of the New Democratic Party
cc: Ms. Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada
The Honourable John Baird, P.C., M.P., Minister of the Environment
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
<current date>, 2008
<Your name and address here>
Dear Minister,
I am very disappointed in how quickly you rejected the notion of a Carbon Tax – as recently recommended by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy.
To react so quickly appears to show an unwillingness to consider the knowledge and research of others. Given the brief time you have been entrusted with the responsibility of Environment Minister one would hope for more deliberation.
Please reconsider your position, and I would encourage you to more openly discuss this important idea with Canadians.
Like so many others, I strongly support putting a price on carbon emissions as a key means for Canada is to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. It is clear that the atmosphere can no longer be used as a free dumping ground by individuals or corporations.
<your name>
cc: The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada
cc: The Honourable Jim Flaherty, P.C., M.P., Minister of Finance
cc: The Honourable Stéphane Dion, P.C., M.P., Leader of the Opposition
cc: The Honourable Jack Layton, P.C., M.P., Leader of the New Democratic Party
cc: Ms. Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada
Make sure your cc list in the text body matches you cc list of email addresses.
Or, use the following guidelines:
Tell your representative that you support the NRTEE recommendations on carbon tax.
Let him/her know you think this is an urgent issue.
Ask him/her to take action.
Ask for a reply.
Include your name and address, and optionally other contact information.
Keep it short, and polite.
Do it fast. There are no points for polished prose. Now is much better than later. Your letter will be counted, not studied and critiqued. Copy any or all or the sample letters below, as is, or integrated with your own words. (These are not great letters, but they're adequate. If you improve on them, please add your letter as a comment to this post.)
Here's a letter that went to a Conservative MP:
Subject: Support for NRTEE Carbon Tax Recommendation
I urge you to support the recommendations of the National Round Table on Environment and Economy, especially regarding the carbon tax. I understand that the Government opposes a carbon tax at this time, but I am hopeful that further consideration of the NRTEE report and assessment of public opinion will lead to a reversal of this stand in the near future. I hope you will consider this urgent matter seriously, and do what you can to promote further consideration within the Government.
I would be happy to hear your thoughts on the matter.
I urge you to support the recommendations of the National Round Table on Environment and Economy, especially regarding the carbon tax. I understand that the Government opposes a carbon tax at this time, but I am hopeful that further consideration of the NRTEE report and assessment of public opinion will lead to a reversal of this stand in the near future. I hope you will consider this urgent matter seriously, and do what you can to promote further consideration within the Government.
I would be happy to hear your thoughts on the matter.
Here's a letter that went to a Liberal MP, with a bit more expectation of a sympathetic reception:
Subject: Environment, Economy and a carbon tax
Please represent me by supporting the recommendations of the National Round Table on Environment and Economy, especially regarding the carbon tax.
I can think of no other way to get our GHG emissions reduced. Obviously I'm in very good company as neither could the National Round Table on Environment and Economy.
It is time Canada took the "bull by the horns" on climate change and showed the world that we can be good global citizens.
An early reply would be appreciated.
Please represent me by supporting the recommendations of the National Round Table on Environment and Economy, especially regarding the carbon tax.
I can think of no other way to get our GHG emissions reduced. Obviously I'm in very good company as neither could the National Round Table on Environment and Economy.
It is time Canada took the "bull by the horns" on climate change and showed the world that we can be good global citizens.
An early reply would be appreciated.
Share your letters and ideas!
If you send a letter you would like to share as a sample, or if you have additional suggestions or information that would help make this campaign more effective, please add a comment to this post, or email me at
Tell your friends!
Ask everyone you know to visit this page and take action on this urgent issue. Only a massive show of support will win the day.
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