Monday, November 19, 2007

UN/IPCC - Climate Change Worse Than We Thought

On 17 November, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its fourth report, summarizing its overall findings. Information for the press is available in text format or video. Ban Ki-moon's comments are reported on the UN News site.

All major news media covered this story, including the CBC. One of the better articles I've seen online is from the International Harold Tribune (IHT): Alarming UN report on climate change too rosy, many say. The IHT coverage includes a related article: Ban calls climate change 'defining challenge of our age'. A search for "climate change" on the IHT shows quite a few other good articles on the subject.

The IPCC report "is expected to form the basis of discussions in Bali next month when world leaders gather under the auspices of the UN to try to agree to a successor pact to the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions, which is due to expire by 2012," according to the UN news site.

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