Monday, November 19, 2007

Global Action on Climate Change, 08 Dec

On December 8, Rally Around the Earth for Climate Justice and a Safer, Healthier Planet!

In December, 190 countries will meet in Bali, Indonesia for the UN Kyoto Climate Talks to negotiate our future. Join hundreds of thousands of people in at least 50 countries (and counting) who will be on the streets to demand that world leaders take urgent action to stop climate chaos.
- (taken from regular poster on tab "Dec 8")

There are currently actions planned in 16 Canadian cities (in 10 provinces) for the December 8 global day of action to stop climate chaos. Check back at often for updated information. Organizing an event for December 8 that's not listed? Let us know!

Check details at to see if there's an event planned in your community. If not, there's not much time left, but even a token event will help send a message.

To find contacts in other countries around the world, or to register a contact for a country not yet listed, see the Global Climate Campaign website.

1 comment:

Christopher Mansbridge said...

The writing seems to be very clearly on the wall. It is time for the green grass roots to get together.